The Bonnie E. Cone Society

The Bonnie E. Cone Society is a community of UNC Charlotte faithful, including alumni, faculty, staff, and friends who have made provision for a new generation of students through their long-term financial and estate planning.
Bonnie E. Cone, fondly called Miss Bonnie (1907-2003), president of Charlotte College (1946 to 1965), acting chancellor of UNC Charlotte (1965-1966), played a pivotal role in building the institution we know today. With characteristic grace, determination and an iron hand masked in a silk glove, Miss Bonnie led an ambitious battle moving the two-year Charlotte College to UNC Charlotte. She worked tirelessly for the University, to motivate students, win friends, and attract benefactors until her retirement in 1973. Even into her 90s, she continued to assist in securing donations and build alumni support. Her motto, engraved on a ceramic tile that was always on her desk, said:
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do, and what I ought to do, by the Grace of God, I will do." - quote of Edward Everett Hale
It was often said that Miss Bonnie converted a shoestring and a ball of twine into a university. She believed that fundraising must be an educational priority and she made a planned gift through a bequest to UNC Charlotte in addition to many lifetime gifts.
In addition to the Bonnie E. Cone Society, donors whose planned gift is $1,000,000 or more to UNC Charlotte will join the Loy H. Witherspoon Circle. Members of the Witherspoon Circle will have their names permanently inscribed on a plaque hanging over Miss Bonnie's desk in the Harris Alumni Center.
An Invitation to Join The Bonnie E. Cone Society

Members of The Bonnie E. Cone Society have expressed their commitment to UNC Charlotte through a very special and important form of financial support.
These donors have named UNC Charlotte Foundation as the ultimate beneficiary of a planned gift. Such gifts might include a bequest and/or life-income gifts, such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts, charitable remainder annuity trusts, or gifts of life insurance.
Once you complete your estate plans, please fill out our member profile form to let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity by including you in The Bonnie E. Cone Society.
Membership Benefits
Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others.
Benefits of membership in The Bonnie E. Cone Society also include annual luncheons, invitations to special events and seminars.
The most important benefit, however, you will receive from joining The Bonnie E. Cone Society is the satisfaction derived from making a lasting contribution to the long-term prosperity of UNC Charlotte.
We want to hear your Miss Bonnie stories! If you have an anecdote or photo featuring Miss Bonnie, share them with us at [email protected].