Donor Stories

Read examples of ways individuals can give in support of UNC Charlotte.
Paying it forward while leaving her Niner legacyMisty Hathcock '85, '91, '92, '96, '04 supports UNC Charlotte by giving her time, talents, and treasures to the University
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The "Unlikely" PhilanthropistMartha Cooke Jenkins '77 (business) and '82 (engineering) never imagined she would grow up to be a philanthropist. With the help of a well-timed article and some savvy planning, that's exactly what she has become.
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Alumni Spotlight: Nick SulakMeet UNC Charlotte's youngest planned giving donor.
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Unusual Gift to UNC Charlotte Builds New Admissions CenterThanks to his planning and forethought, Dr. Gage was able to have an enormous impact at UNC Charlotte.
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